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From muslim to witchcraft to Jesus!

Many individuals were touched and encouraged in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, such as Aiesha. At birth, Aiesha was dedicated by her Muslim parents into witchcraft. She was afflicted throughout her life with many struggles - both physical and spiritual in nature. She continued in the faith of Islam until recently, when a Christian led her to the Lord. Though she was young in the faith, her combination of gratitude, humility, and faithfulness caused an invitation to be extended to her to attend our Leadership Thrust. Here is a piece of her testimony (which can be seen on our website) after her experience:

“This is my very first time to tell somebody about the story of Jesus, for I was a Muslim... After telling people what the Lord has done for me, people were touched. And there was one who pulled me to the side. She trusted me, and told me her life story - which was like mine. It was the Holy Spirit that enabled that to happen...I thought it was impossible for me to share Jesus, but no... It IS possible! I believe that I am able to serve the Lord, and that will be my greatest gift to my God, concerning where he took me from to where I am. I suffered for 8 years. For healing me and setting me free, I will serve Him!”

At the end of this week of intense training and ministry experience, there were 22 new students starting the School of Multiplying Leaders, 9 were promoted to the 2nd level of training, and 12 persevere in the 1st level of training. 104 people made professions of faith in Jesus, and 3 new Cell Churches were planted! But the greatest fruit will take place from this point forward, as Leaders are equipped and continue to share the love of Christ as a part of their normal everyday lives. Bwana Asifiwe! - Praise the Lord!

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