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You can make a difference!

YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE WITH YOUR LIFE by partnering with God to reach His lost world for Christ.

All of us have a natural desire to know that our lives really count for something. Can you imagine anything with greater eternal significance than leading people to a saving knowledge of Christ? When you and I get to heaven, and look back upon our earthly existence, surely there will have been NOTHING MORE IMPORTANT than the people we touched for Christ. Thank you, for your generous gift to help train leaders to plant new churches. In a very literal sense, your financial support of the ministry is touching lives on the other side of the world with the saving gospel of Jesus Christ. One of the ways you can MAKE A DIFFERENCE WITH YOUR LIFE is by your prayerful and financial partnership with Strategic Impact. The reality is, you will not meet the people led to Christ this year through your stewardship with us…

…And yet, in heaven, many of them may come up to thank you for making it possible for me to hear the gospel, believe in Christ, and be saved. WOW!!

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We are a movement of like-minded leaders passionately committed to Jesus Christ and to each other for the fulfillment of His Great Commission. We exist to offer every person the only hope of eternal life in Jesus Christ. 

Find out more here.




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Denton, TX 76202

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